The SperaVita FOCUS Method is Recommended for PRCs that:

  • Currently offer medical services (limited ultrasound and STD testing) provided by licensed medical professionals, or are in the process of considering the addition of such services.  Optimizing is a very effective way to convert to medical.
  • Have a focused mission statement. For example: “To be the FIRST STEP for women facing an unplanned pregnancy, transforming their fear into confidence, by addressing their physical, spiritual and emotional needs, and equipping them to make healthy life-affirming decisions.”
  • Demonstrate a commitment to improve and streamline services, which could include creating partnerships with other local organizations to provide material assistance for clients instead of managing those programs internally.
  • Have Governing Board and Core Staff Leadership consensus on decision to transition to a medical Linear Service Model.
  • Are working to define measurable results. Example: “We are successful if _______ happens.”
  • Actively advertise to reach the target market (pregnant, at-risk women).
  • Use up-to-date technology, such as dedicated Internet access with separate phone lines, mobile phones for core staff, etc.
  • Have a paid Executive Director, Patient Resource Director and a Nurse/Sonographer.

Rate the Effectiveness of your Center

  • Marketing: Are 95% of your callers at risk for abortion?
  • Scheduling: Do 75% – 95% of your at-risk callers schedule an appointment?
  • Show Rate: Do 70% – 90% of your at-risk women show up for their appointment?
  • Assessment: Do you have a quantifiable way to assess abortion vulnerability?
  • Accuracy: Do 70% – 85% of patients test positive for pregnancy?
  • Outcomes: Do 60% – 80% of at-risk women state a final intention to carry to term?
  • Expense: Do you spend $1,200 or less for each rescued life?