We are so proud of the work you continue to do. As we continue our mission of supporting Pregnancy Centers, we are excited to roll out an updated feature for Centers of Distinction. We have been working on updating monthly metrics for ease of submitting and tracking. Here are some updates that you can expect:
We have added an email confirmation option for submission, allowing you to keep records of what has been submitted. 
There is one new metric to be aware of: The Number of Life Choices by High Risk/Most at Risk. Tracking and measuring this number will help us gauge what percentage of life choices are made by the most vulnerable women. 
Lastly, we are moving the metrics submission form the SVI website to Box. Here, each center will have a unique submission form. You can access it from the SperaVita Files in the Centers of Distinction Folder. Clicking your center’s name will open a center-specific form, so be sure you are clicking the right link. 

Starting now, you will be able to submit all metrics through the individual forms on Box.com. We will be sure to review this updated system, and share more information about it in our next Post-Implementation Q&A. If you have any questions or need help troubleshooting, don’t hesitate to send us an email! 

The SperaVita Team